Software Vault: The Emerald Collection
Software Vault (The Emerald Collection) (American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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║ 35 - BBS Programs and Utilities ║
0_BYTE10.ZIP Accepts a DIR listing as input, and produces 0-byte files.
10VIDEOS.ZIP Top Ten Movie Video Rental Bulletin generator.
1193SON.ZIP SON-Net Information Packet. Centers on Biblical Discussion.
1A_NNET.ZIP Information packet on NIGHTNet, a new E-mail network.
4CAST110.ZIP The Weather Forecaster 1.10: Post the weather on your BBS.
5MODS_1.ZIP 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
5MODS_2.ZIP Another 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
5MODS_3.ZIP Another 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
5MODS_4.ZIP Another 5 pack of MODs for WWIV 4.23.
ACCNET40.ZIP AccessNet Netmail Information Packet.
ACCNET41.ZIP AccessNet Friendly Network Information Packet.
ACOLOR60.ZIP Utility to add ANSI color to TXT files. SysOp configurable.
ADDAD35.ZIP ADDAD 3.05 Inserts file, comment & more.
ADLG11.ZIP Adds entries to Bink/Max style logs from DOS or BAT.
AGE30.ZIP How Old are You? v3.0.
AIR20.ZIP Ansi-In-Rip 2.0: Displays ANSI while in RIP Mode.
ANSDIS10.ZIP ANSI screen display for fast computers.
ANSI2X.ZIP Utility to convert ANSI screens to XCODE for TRIBBS.
ANSIG100.ZIP ANSI Graphics Toolbox: Powerboard/PCB.
ANSI_DAN.ZIP Slide show of ANSI screens and menus.
ANSI_MA1.ZIP Various ANSI Screens Suitable for Posting on Bulletin Boards
ANSSHO10.ZIP ANSI screen show for fast computers.
APPY100.ZIP Appalachian English Language file for TriBBS 5.x.
AREQ1_1B.ZIP AutoRequest 1.1b. SysOp utility allows QWK file requests.
AUTO170S.ZIP TNTSoft AutoMail 1.70 Standard.
AUTOMPM.ZIP AUTOMAILpm 1.0 Pre-extract QWK mail packets for callers.
AUTOS111.ZIP Net sub host utility. Detects auto reqs. Req: WWIV/net33.
A_ICNS.ZIP Over 80 RIP ICNs beginning with the letter "A".
BADUSE26.ZIP BadUser 2.6 Lock bad users from your BBS door.
BADUSER.ZIP BADUSER: Keep an eye on "special" users when entering Doors.
BBS17D.ZIP BBS.PPE 1.7d: PCB 15.1 Unique BBS Listing program.
BBSBAS6R.ZIP BBS Database program that maintains a list of BBS Numbers.
BBSEE30V.ZIP BBSee 3.0: 8066 executable only. Req: BBSEE30U archive.
BBSL_KIT.ZIP BBSList FDN Information/Application packet of various BBS.
BBS_SHO1.ZIP BBS Showcase 1.1: Get more callers. Sup: SB/Mouse.
BCMSG10.ZIP BOBCAT Verifier Message utility for BOBCAT SysOps.
BDAY115.ZIP Birthday 1.15: Birthday list generator for BBSs. Req: WWIV.
BDOS_259.ZIP BinkleyTerm 2.59 Wide Beta Release for DOS.
BEARBONZ.ZIP IND$FILE DEMO 2.5: File transfer external protocol module.
BITN0194.ZIP Listing of all Bitnet Mailing Lists as of Jan 1994.
BJACKBRN.ZIP Brainex Blackjack: RIP/ANSI Game. Great graphics.
BJPPE12.ZIP Blackjack PPE: For PCB 15.1.
BSCAN100.ZIP Scan program catalogue files of PC-Board quickly.
BULLCHK3.ZIP Bulletin Read Counter/Monitor: Utility for PCB v15.x.
BUSTED52.ZIP Bust those Sneaky Users: Lots of fun!
C2C_0194.ZIP City2City NetMail Service INFOPAK 01/94 - NEW CENTRAL HUB!
CALCAT51.ZIP CALCAT 5.1 WC3.x Holiday screen swapper.
CALLBLOC.ZIP Unwanted Caller Blocker PPE.
CAM_M140.ZIP Cam-Mail 1.40: Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node.
CAP_9311.ZIP CAPLink Network Application Information Packet.
CASEY101.ZIP Cam-Mail 1.40: Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node.
CBUFF09.ZIP CBUFF 0.9: ChessBASE 3/4 utilities & C source.
CDAVAIL2.ZIP CD-ROM Availability Inquiry PPE 2.0: PCB 15.1 utility.
CEL200R.ZIP Celerity BBS 2.00 Full-featured bulletin board system.
CENSUS94.ZIP BBS Census '94: An attempt to count EVERY BBS/Online Service
CENT9312.ZIP The Centipede Network Information Packet.
CHATQS11.ZIP Chat Question PPE 1.1.
CHKTIME.ZIP CheckTime 1.01ß BBS utility makes users wait between plays.
CIND7101.ZIP ASP Catalog Quick Look 7101: ASP Catalog Index.
CIRCTEXT.ZIP Colored Prompts for WC 3.90.
CISBILL.ZIP Cisbill 2.11: Offline CIS billing.
CMCINFO1.ZIP One of a series of ads for credit card processing.
CNT0294.ZIP CatNet: QWK Network Application.
COMM1205.ZIP COMMO552 SD BBS: logons; protocol macros.
COMM270.ZIP COM file that displays a random quote on screen.
COMPR313.ZIP Compress 3.13: Compress almost any Log file by days.
CONDZ120.ZIP CONDIZ 1.20: FILE_ID.DIZ manager. Lots of features.
CONFV20.ZIP CONFLIST.BBS generator shows conf. flags, conf. sysops, etc.
CONFXREF.ZIP WC3.x utility cross-references echomail configuration.
CONV2XX.ZIP Designed for converting screens used with Wildcat!
COUNT_40.ZIP Win Network Application License Counter.
CREDCD21.ZIP CreditCD 2.1 checks to see if a credit card number is valid.
CREDIT25.ZIP CREDIT PPE 2.05: These are the missing files from CREDIT24.
CSCGUID2.ZIP New Users guide to help new users get around PCB.
CSPRO10.ZIP CatScan Professional 1.0: "The Intelligent File Processor".
CUPD131.ZIP CMPQwk Reader 1.31: Update files only.
CVTQWK10.ZIP Convert that QWK 1.0: Program converts QWK to text.
CW_PM_31.ZIP Pro-Menu v3.1: PPE to replace security-specific menus/files.
DATAV45B.ZIP DataViewer 4.5b: An online archive viewer for WC 3.xx.
DAYSLEFT.ZIP Makes CLR/BBS/RIP display file of days Left until Christmas.
DB100.ZIP Wildcat v3.x utility: Keep track of Dropped Carriers.
DBNET.ZIP Net List of d'Bridge Registration Sites.
DBOL110.ZIP DB Online 1.10: Commercial Release Online Database.
DBONL102.ZIP DB Online 1.0: Beta release, Online Database.
DCAT15.ZIP Door-Cat! 1.5: Will create/update your Door Menus.
DCM200.ZIP Deluxe Conference Menu 2.0.
DDOV10.ZIP RBBS SysOp utility to delete duplicated/obsolete files.
DEEP_21.ZIP Deep Thoughts By Jack Handy 2.1 for BBS.
DESCV10.ZIP Make/Insert "DESC.SDI" file automatically from text file.
DHARMLST.ZIP DharmaNet nodelist/echolist for day 365.
DIRMGR10.ZIP Directory Manager: Allows you to easily manipulate TBBS.
DIZZY102.ZIP DIZZY 1.02: FILE ID.DIZ offline reformatter.
DLDCOUN2.ZIP DLDCOUNT 2.O: Great DL Counter for PCBoard.
DLINE15.ZIP DATELINE Calendar and event database for BBS.
DMSUP101.ZIP DMSUPMSG 1.01: A PPE for PCB gives rules for Uploading.
DOCS515B.ZIP User Docs for FBB 5.15B Packet BBS.
DOORM10.ZIP DoorMan 1.0: Controls access to your doors on single basis.
DOWNLIST.ZIP Creates a List of Files your Users can download.
DPLUS145.ZIP DownLoad Door Plus 1.45 Bug Fixes Fixed the forced feature.
DRWYPAK.ZIP Menu files for Doorway. Includes ANSI and ASCII menus.
DS201.ZIP DoorStat 2.01: Create door usage graph for any BBS type.
DUSER130.ZIP Dropuser 1.30: For Use on Any BBS. Takes phone off hook.
DVME.ZIP DV macro editor. Req: 4DOS/Kstack.
DWALL112.ZIP DWALL 1.12: The best graffiti wall gets a little better.
DWNLD.ZIP A full screen download counter displays filename, size, etc.
DWNLD15.ZIP Two PPE's for PCB 15.1. A FULL SCREEN download counter.
DWNLD151.ZIP DWNLD.PPE & DWNLDCD.PPE 1.51: Fixes 1.5 WAIT bugs.
DWNLDCD.ZIP DWNLDCD.PPE 1.0 Download counter shows filename, size, etc.
DWNSRT59.ZIP Maximus CBCS Download File Sort/List Util. 5.9. DOS/OS/2.
EBBSLST3.ZIP BBS list door allows users to search for BBS by Name, etc.
ECATBL11.ZIP Create ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from ECHO-CAT.BBS listing.
ECHOBL11.ZIP Create ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from the ECHOLIST.BBS.
EDEL112.ZIP Edel: Command line Delete Utility. Delete files by age.
EDSBK115.ZIP EDSBack 1.15 PPE: Call-Back verifier.
EGRAF120.ZIP ELECTRON-GRAF 1.20: Graffiti Wall PPE.
ENETWORK.ZIP Electronic circuit analysis/ladder network.
EURODEAL.ZIP U.S. Robotics European SysOp Program Rules and prices.
EXPIRE21.ZIP PPE to replace and enhance your EXPIRED display file.
EZPGP100.ZIP EZ-PGP 1.00: Use PGP with offline mail readers.
FARCL21B.ZIP FARCL 2.1b: RBBS FMS Archive Listing utility.
FDC_400.ZIP File Download Counter 4.0: Supports most BBS types.
FDWCMNP4.ZIP FDWCMNP 4.0 Utility passes the MNP flag to WC.
FD_9311.ZIP Friends Network Mail Packet Information.
FFOX_007.ZIP FireFox 0.07-34: Fido-compatible message tosser for SF 3.4.
FILCON25.ZIP FILECON 2.4. File description formatter for TRIBBS 5.x.
FILE2NET.ZIP Send files through a net!
FIXPKT5A.ZIP Bad Packet/Bad Bundle fixer.
FLATLINE.ZIP FlatLine: A wonderful RIP program much like RIP Paint.
FLGCVT11.ZIP Quickly force all GT Messages in base to PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
FLISTER2.ZIP Creates ALLFILES listing with built-in reader.
FLPCAT30.ZIP FLIPCAT 3.0: Multi-Line BBS Screen Rotation Software.
FM110A3.ZIP Freemail 1.10a: Spitfire Fido Mail tosser.
FMLYECHO.ZIP FamilyNet Echos.
FMSFMT10.ZIP RBBS-PC utility merge/reformat FMS directories.
FNP101A.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (1 of 4)
FNP101B.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (2 of 4)
FNP101C.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (3 of 4)
FNP101D.ZIP FEATHERNET PRO 1.01 Test Drive: BBS Software. (4 of 4)
FONTPK20.ZIP Extra fonts: for all versions of TheDraw supporting fonts.
FPORCH20.ZIP Front Porch 2.0: Allows BBS SysOp to offer 15 BBS' on menu!
FREQL11.ZIP FREQLIST 1.1: Creates a report of FREQ DL Counters for RA.
FS_13.ZIP Appends number of files inside each ZIP/ARJ to SFFILES.BBS.
FS_15.ZIP FILESTAT 1.5: SFFILES.BBS Utility for SpitFire BBS.
FX2DAY12.ZIP FXtoday 1.2: Creates TFX/ASCII/ANSI screens for BBSs.
FXSTAT.ZIP NET Stats for UUCICO/FXUUCICO sites (Waffle).
FXUC03B2.ZIP FX-UUCICO ßeta 0.3 UUCICO.EXE ONLY expires in 6 months.
F_CC100.ZIP Shows you from command line who called your board.
GALDBAR.ZIP MajorBBS Online Database: RIP Menus.
GALETLR.ZIP MajorBBS Entertainment Edition: Add-On Module for RIP Menus.
GALFAXR.ZIP MajorBBS FAX: Add-On Module For RIP Menus.
GAL_FOR2.ZIP Galacticomm's MajorBBS: RIP Forum messages.
GAL_FOR3.ZIP MajorBBS: RIP Forum messages.
GD_CLOWN.ZIP Clown RIP Menu Preview.
GD_NOV.ZIP Complete set of Thanksgiving RIP Menus.
GEOG1218.ZIP Golded 2.42g: A Fidonet Compatible MSG Reader/Editor.
GL202.ZIP Conference list enhancer for GT Net sysops.
GLNB1293.ZIP The Global-Link Network Information Packet.
GMSG406.ZIP MSG msgbase editor interface with Internet/PGP support.
GNET1193.ZIP GnetEMS: An EXCITING Network with author support.
GOSCAN20.ZIP GOSCAN 2.00. The Ultimate GOMail Log Analyzer/Scanner.
GOSCAN22.ZIP GOSCAN 2.02: The Ultimate GOMail Log Analyzer/Scanner.
GRAF_DE.ZIP GRAF-DE.PPE: Automatic graphics detection with choice.
GRPMAN.ZIP Group Manager. Allows you to add and remove Desktop groups.
GWHQPR20.ZIP GWHQ PRO 2.0: Wildcat Prompt File Changer and Designer.
HARVEYS.ZIP RIP Menus Designed with Flatline 1.03.
HAWK1293.ZIP HAWKNET Application and Information Packet.
HCS0294.ZIP HCSNet Mail Network Information Packet.
HEADLN10.ZIP HEADLINE 1.00 Help in building BBS Ads and announcements.
HS121B7.ZIP HSLink 1.21ß7: Includes the standard and fossil EXE version.
HS121GB7.ZIP HS/Link External Protocol GERMAN version.
IBBS163G.ZIP ILLUSION BBS 1.63G Main program files.
ICAT101.ZIP Icon Cataloger: RIP Script icon cataloging program.
ICHATV31.ZIP IceChat 3.10 Deluxe SysOp-User Chat for Remote Access 2.0x.
IE100B02.ZIP InterEcho 1.00.b02 Fast Fido compatible mail tosser for WC.
IHANG101.ZIP HangUp PPE 1.01 Replaces "Goodbye in 10 seconds" prompt.
ILCNF401.ZIP Official ILink International Conference List for Jan 1994.
ILNK0194.ZIP ILink Internat'l NetMail Network info packet for Jan 1994.
IMWCMNP4.ZIP IMWCMNP 4.0: Passes the MNP flag from InterMail to WC.
INFOV210.ZIP Info 2.10 PPE: Displays callers statistics.
INUSE101.ZIP Set Errorlevel if Wildmail/WILDUUCP is running.
IPNET101.ZIP PPL program to make it easy to write Netmail using InterPCB.
IS20.ZIP IS v2.0: File Size Checker. Check the size of REP packets.
JWPTAGS4.ZIP Jim Pedicord's Tagline Collection.
KILTOS11.ZIP KILLTOSS 1.1 .TIC Manager for Satellite feeds.
LAST102E.ZIP Last 10 Callers Door 1.02E for SLBBS.
LF_31FIX.ZIP SFLast5 3.2 This will update 3.1 to 3.2.
LGSRN110.ZIP LOGSIREN 1.1 PPE: Siren to alert SysOp of special users.
LINEDUMP.ZIP Line Dumper 0.96: Trim CALLER logs to your specifications.
LINK0294.ZIP LinkNet Network Information Packet.
LISTER20.ZIP Lister 2.0: BBS List PPE.
LOGZIP.ZIP LOGZIP: ZIPs your logs any day of the month.
LOST0194.ZIP Sysops - Join the Fun! LostNet is devoted to having fun.
LOTSRIPS.ZIP About 30 very good RIP files by a variety of authors.
LTBANK10.ZIP LTBank 1.0: TriBBS Specific Time Bank.
LTRANS40.ZIP Transcan online file checker Scans for viruses and much more
LUPS150B.ZIP LOOPUPS 1.50b: Complete upload processor for RBBS/STUNY.
M2R_100.ZIP Renegade utility that converts your menu files to RIP menus.
MAILCHEK.ZIP MAILCHEK 2.0: Skip mail scan if last call left no messages.
MAKEFAX.ZIP Automatically process raw FAX from Binkley into Zfax.
MAKICN11.ZIP Make Icn 1.10: RIP Script Icon editor. Req: EGA.
MANDOWN5.ZIP ManDown 1.5: Force your callers to DL a File.
MARK33.ZIP Mark Host 3.3 Advanced BOYAN Host that supports 20 Doors.
MAXMEN01.ZIP Maximus Menus generator for ANSI/RIP Menus.
MAXUTIL.ZIP MAX-UTIL 1.0 Maintain .CTL Files for Maximus.
MCB104.ZIP MetroCore 1.04: A BBS hub utility. Req: Fossil Driver.
MCIFIX.ZIP MCI code fixer for Renegade 12-25.
MCPRO_SW.ZIP MCPRO 3.0: Statistic maker, Wildcat 3.x.
MESSGB.ZIP Flip through all the boxes available with the MSGBOX command
MKDIZ132.ZIP MKDIZ 1.32S: A Menu driven program for FILE_ID.DIZ ZIPping.
MKNET112.ZIP MKNet 1.12: QWK network tosser for MK/RA/QBBS/SBBS/MSG.
MMBULL13.ZIP Message Waiting v1.3: Companion to Match Maker v4.0+.
MN9311.ZIP Attention PCBoard Sysops: MegNET Information Packet.
MNLK103.ZIP MainLink Mail Network Information Packet.
MNUMAK42.ZIP RIP MENU MAKER is a must for all TriBBS RIP aware BBS Sysops
MN_110.ZIP MAVERICK NEWS 1.10: Screens Generator for BBS News.
MODQUIZ.ZIP SysOps: Makes BBS descriptions.
MOUSIE2.ZIP RIP: RIPscript of Two mice playing.
MSGNUM13.ZIP Hudson Message Base utility to decide whether to link.
MSI_NET.ZIP Info on MSI-hosted support conference for WC BBS Software.
MSTA103P.ZIP Maverick Statistics Generator 1.03p for RA 2.00.
MTN1193.ZIP Application for the Mountain QWK Netmail system.
NETIM20X.ZIP Net Time 2.00: Keeps time/date synchronized on a network.
NETLST10.ZIP NETLIST 1.0b: Message Network Info Manager.
NETMAIL.ZIP NetMail 1.3: A replacement for the (E) command in QFront.
NEWIES14.ZIP Creates News Bulletins for Spitfire.
NEWIMEX.ZIP Application, Policy, and Sysop Conduct for CCIN Exchange.
NEWUSRUP.ZIP NewUserUp 1.0: Change TimeLeft For NewUser.
NL110.ZIP NAMELIST 1.10: Teleguard userlist creator with C source.
NODEBL12.ZIP Creates ASCII and ANSI Bulletins from the NODELIST.BBS.
NODEFND.ZIP Node Database Grid Browser - contains full source code.
NOSN106.ZIP NoSnail 1.06: Netmail scanner for RBBS.
OFM111.ZIP Offline File Manager 1.11: For TAG BBS. Uses floppies.
OMNI0194.ZIP OMNILINK Network is a QWK Mail packet network.
OMNI0294.ZIP OmniLink. QWK Mail packet network for fun and more.
ONELNR10.ZIP OneLiner 1.0.
ORD900.ZIP Paid Memberships For A WWIV 4.23 BBS With A New 900 Service.
ORIGX22.ZIP MSG and Squish origin line extractor & reporter.
OS2TONY.ZIP Install WildCat in OS/2 2.1.
PAIR339.ZIP 3 Pair Poker 3.9. InterBBS Capable Game. Most BBS types.
PASMON10.ZIP Password Monitor 1.00. Implements forced password changes.
PASSIT15.ZIP Users pass a sentence around the BBS. How will it end?
PBBSW32C.ZIP POWERBBS 3.20 for Windows: New install program. (3 of 3)
PBOOTV12.ZIP PauseBoot 1.2 Utility can abort loading of any application.
PBPM_30A.ZIP PCBBLTPM 3.00a: Creates Multi-Page BLTx MENU for conferences
PBVL010.ZIP PB/VISION LITE 1.0 for PowerBASIC 3.0.
PB_200.ZIP Proboard 2.0: BBS Software. RIP/Hudson/JAM/Squish/MSG.
PCBCK11A.ZIP PCB-Check 1.1a.
PCBDE505.ZIP PCBDescribe 5.05: Get description from FILEID.DIZ. For PCB.
PCBFAE09.ZIP PCBoard File Area Editor 0.9c.
PCBINTRO.ZIP Some Conference Intro Screens.
PCBM100.ZIP PCBMove 1.0.
PCBNEW10.ZIP PCB News Editor. A useful aid for SysOp News Files.
PCBWHO13.ZIP PCBWHO 1.3: Lurking Node Display.
PCBWHO14.ZIP PCBWHO 1.4: Lurking Node Display PPE.
PCBWHO16.ZIP PCBWHO 1.6: Lurking Node Display PPE.
PCFU199C.ZIP Planet Connect File Utility (a rewrite of PCUtils).
PCS2PCB.ZIP Helps create file DIRs for Planet Connect subscribers.
PEGALO.ZIP PEGA/LO Network Information Packet.
PEGAND20.ZIP PEGANODE 2.0. "Who" Replacement PPE. Shows time remaining.
PEN_9401.ZIP Planet Earth Network! 01/94 Join this fast growing network
PFED_009.ZIP BOOMER's PFED 0.09ß: Deluxe PCB File Area Manager.
PHONEPER.ZIP Get all possible alpha permutations of a telephone number.
PKTMUX12.ZIP Multiplex Internet protocols (several stacks).
PMPOP10.ZIP POP gateway for PMail.
POINT176.ZIP Professional Point Automatic BBS message area setup program
PPESCR10.ZIP PPE-Script 1.00. Newask/Logon/Logoff/Script program.
PPQWK108.ZIP Professional Point Optional QWK support module.
PSRT_10B.ZIP PacketSorter 1.0b: Defragments FidoNet mail packets.
PUTDIZ01.ZIP Add on for RA 2.01 RAMGR: Creates FILE_ID.DIZ.
QBASE12A.ZIP QWKBase turns an Offline Mail Reader into a database reader.
QFMAIL2C.ZIP QF-Mail 2.0c PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] program for Fidonet netmail
QF_105.ZIP QFront 1.05b Maintenance release fixes bugs in 1.04b.
QQL122.ZIP QQLink: Improved 'Reply Linker' for Squish Message Bases.
QTIME17.ZIP Qtime 1.7: Creates ASCII, ANSI and @x Color files.
QWKBLT13.ZIP QWK-BLT.PPE 1.30: Include bulletins in QWK files.
QWKSTF12.ZIP Finds REP/QWK packets & reports they need to be read or sent
Q_A4RA_4.ZIP Helpful Questions and Answers for RA 2.xx.
RABDAY12.ZIP RemoteAccess 2.0x. "Today's Birthdays" bulletin generator.
RALDMP10.ZIP Dump RA Language Files to Formatted Text files.
RAMAGIC3.ZIP A LAST chance method of restoring lost file data from memory
RBO100TD.ZIP Robo FX Test Drive.
RBROBOT1.ZIP RoboROBOT 1.00: Automatic message utility for RoboBOARD/FX.
RBTCH240.ZIP RBBS Batch Uploading, HS/Link, and BiModem Interface.
REF19.ZIP Utility produces a Read Only echo. Also reviews messages.
REF21.ZIP The REF 2.1: Produce a true Read Only echo.
RENELIST.ZIP BBS lister utility for Renegade/DOOR.SYS with many options.
REN_1225.ZIP RENEGADE 12-25 BBS Software. Full version, no upgrade!
REPUTIL6.ZIP Reply Utilities: Utility programs to read/write REP packets.
RG1225.ZIP Renegade Update (12-25-93) Major overhaul on most everything
RG2FD100.ZIP RG2FD: Utility for Renegade/FD. Puts last caller in FD.
RGGST101.ZIP RGGUEST 1.10: For SysOps who have Renegade Guest accounts.
RGHELP13.ZIP RGhelp 1.30: Renegade interactive user help file system.
RGLU120.ZIP RGLSTUSR 1.20: Makes ASCII/ANSI/RIP bulletin for Renegade.
RGM1225.ZIP Renegade Maintenance Utility. Packs users, purges users, etc
RGNM16.ZIP Renegade Newuser Messages 1.6: Send new users mail.
RIPDOOR2.ZIP Creates RIPScrip Door Display Menus for most BBS formats.
RIPGAL21.ZIP RIP Gallery 2.1: RIP File Display Door.
RIPIT20.ZIP RIPIT v2.0: RIP screen generator for most BBSs.
RIPSK101.ZIP Easy to use RIPscrip drawing program. Req: EGA/Mouse.
RIPTOOLS.ZIP RipTools 1.0aß. Add RIP commands in Turbo Pascal programs.
RIP_NET.ZIP Latest RIP-Net (echos) info packet. Contains Nodelist, etc.
RIP_VTG.ZIP RIP SCREENS 81 Nice Looking Screens for Spitfire BBS 3.4.
RKR110.ZIP Generates Route: lines on outbound GT mailbags.
RMAILDOS.ZIP New Rene-Mail for Renegade 12-25.
RNDSCR11.ZIP RandScr 1.1: Randomizes BBS welcome/logoff screens.
ROBOM13U.ZIP ROBOMAIL QWK Reader 1.3 Upgrade Kit. Req: 286/1.5MB RAM.
ROMPR137.ZIP ROMProc 1.37. CD-ROM Download Processor Perfect for any BBS.
RPNTR100.ZIP RipN-Tear 1.00. RIP Graphics Utility for viewing & cutting.
RTOOL114.ZIP Rudy's Place Tools 1.14: for RA/FD SysOps.
RTUTI101.ZIP 'Turbo' UTI Rev 2.01 1.01 Universal Text Interface, RBBS.
RTUTI102.ZIP RBBS 'Turbo' UTI r2.01/v1.02: Universal Text Interface.
RUMOR_CD.ZIP A PPE File: Adds Rumors To Your BBS.
RXDECODE.ZIP Intelligent UU/XX-decoder.
R_PROMPT.ZIP _PROMPT: Novice quick help screen for PCBoard.
SBBS1C02.ZIP Synchronet 1c r1 Multi-node BBS Software. Many features.
SBBSCHAT.ZIP Replacement Chat mode for SynchroNet BBS.
SCANRIP1.ZIP POWERFUL RIP-compatible utilities.
SCOUTNET.ZIP Scoutnet: Run by Scout Canada Leaders.
SDPFL11F.ZIP Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol Module 1.01f.
SDPFL11G.ZIP Streamline Design (Lite) Fossil Protocol Module 1.01g.
SDPL101G.ZIP Streamline Design (Lite) Protocol Module 1.01g.
SEEKNET1.ZIP SEEKNET(tm) International Echomail Network January 94 packet
SETER147.ZIP Allows a BBS user to set an errorlevel for BAT file.
SF01_94.ZIP SPITFIRE Newsletter for January 1994.
SF02_94.ZIP Spitfire Newsletter for February 1994.
SF11_93.ZIP SPITFIRE Newsletter: November 1993.
SF35FAX.ZIP Spitfire 3.5 and Fax setup help.
SFAZ100.ZIP 1.0 Will ZIP the Display files.
SFBIRTH2.ZIP Creates BBS/CLR Files of Users Birthday.
SFDIZ.ZIP Appends a SFFILES.BBS description with a FILE_ID.DIZ.
SFDV.ZIP SPITFIRE and Desqview Setup Help File.
SFJETBUL.ZIP SFJETBUL 1.0 Spitfire Bulletin Creator! Reads JetMail Log.
SFLGST25.ZIP SFLGST 2.50 A Spitfire Logon Statistic's Display Maker.
SFLZ100.ZIP SFLogZip 1.0 Will ZIP your Log Files.
SFMKLIST.ZIP Create an 'allfiles type list' for SPITFIRE.
SFM_341.ZIP SF-MASTER Release 3.41: Complete SPITFIRE 3.4 Management.
SFREG34.ZIP SPITFIRE Time Subscription Management.
SFTOPDL1.ZIP SFTOPDL: Very Informative Download Tracker for SF BBS system
SFTOUCH.ZIP Update file dates in SFFILES to TODAY's date.
SFTSTUSR.ZIP Test the Spitfire User database's Integrity.
SFUED114.ZIP StormFront User Editor for Opus 1.7/1.8 by Kevin Silcox.
SF_DAILY.ZIP Creates Screens of two day Statistics.
SLBIO150.ZIP SLBBS User Biography 1.50b.
SLIPPR13.ZIP Slip and Cslip drivers.
SL_1293.ZIP SurrealNet - International Mail Network.
SL_NWS12.ZIP Surreal News Maker 1.2: BBS News File Maker.
SMART217.ZIP SmartSec 2.17 PPE.
SNET1293.ZIP A network for discussing Paranormal & Spiritual experiences.
SOBNLE.ZIP Son of Bonk standalone nodelist editor 1.0.
SPC352.ZIP SPC 3.52: Split Screen Chat door for SysOps. Req: ANSI.
SPEAK11.ZIP Broadcast Messages to other Nodes.
SPITST20.ZIP SpitStat 2.0: Callers Log Utility/Bulletin Creator.
SPLIT121.ZIP Message splitter for .MSG files.
SP_STR.ZIP WWIV 4.23: Spanish data files.
SQWK10.ZIP Search that QWK 1.0: Simple program to search QWK packets.
SRN1193.ZIP Sanctified Revolutions Mail Network Application.
SRTDSC28.ZIP SORTDESC 2.8 Find file descriptions from FILE_ID.DIZ, etc.
STATSO.ZIP Statso 1.0 Activity Log Analyzer for Wildcat! 3.xx.
STRIPAV1.ZIP Strip Authenticity Verification data from ZIP files.
SUN9312T.ZIP Sunlight Through The Shadows: Vol I, Num 6.
SUPRT402.ZIP Software support BBS listings.
SX500H1.ZIP Silver Xpress OPX/QWK Mail Door 5.00: Now has RIP.
SYSHLPB.ZIP SYSOP HELPER 0.01b: WC utilities at a keystroke.
S_LIST11.ZIP Creates a Master list of Files on BBS.
T2T026B.ZIP Automatically add TIC/FLE info into DIR for TAG BBS.
TAB15.ZIP The Address Book 1.5 PPE: Personal database for each user.
TABS110.ZIP TABS PPE 1.1: Telephone Automated Billing Service.
TAGGER01.ZIP Tagger 1.0 WC sysops can add taglines to the Internet.
TAGLX330.ZIP TLX 3.30: Tagline Manager for Offline mail readers.
TAGLX340.ZIP TAG LINE XPRESS 3.40: Tagline Manager for offline readers.
TALIAS.ZIP Talias 01: Beta RIP to GR, Use Alias.
TAP_0294.ZIP TAPNet E-Mail Network Information Packet.
TB501286.ZIP TriBBS 286 5.01: 286 Executable for TriBBS.
TB501386.ZIP TriBBS 5.01: BBS Software. Req: 386. (1 of 2)
TB501_1.ZIP TriBBS 5.01: BBS Software. Req: 386. (2 of 2)
TB502286.ZIP TriBBS 286 5.02. BBS.EXE using 286 compiled instruction set
TB502386.ZIP TriBBS 386 5.02. BBS.EXE using 386 compiled instruction set
TB50HELP.ZIP User's Guide v1.0 for TriBBS v5.02.
TBG100.ZIP Top Bulletin Generator 1.00: For Renegade 7.0 to 17.0.
TBNL610.ZIP Dutch language files for TBAV610.
TBRSH102.ZIP TheBrush 1.02: Companion program for TheDraw ANSI editor.
TB_ITAL.ZIP Italian format language for TriBBS 5.x. Includes Menus.
TCLNG10.ZIP TriChangeLanguage 1.0: Door for TriBBS 5.x.
TCS3M.ZIP Makes TOMCAT Stat Screen: Makes new openings for Tomcat.
TGAMBL15.ZIP Update fixes bugs & is more sysop configurable than 1.0.
THANO.ZIP THANONET An Alternative BBS Net to mainstream nets.
THDPRO91.ZIP THD ProScan 9.1 Test file uploads with up to 3 virus scans.
THEWRD14.ZIP The Word 1.4 Statistics Bulletin Creator.
THUB202.ZIP TriHub 2.02: A QWK-based hub for TriBBS boards.
TIC2RA12.ZIP Tic-To-Ra 1.10 .TIC file processor for Remote Access BBS.
TICIT110.ZIP TICIT 1.1: TIC file processor for Planet Connect Systems.
TICIT130.ZIP TICIT 1.2: TIC file pre-processor for PCS satellite service.
TJYEST13.ZIP TJYest v1.3: Activity Log analyzer for WC v3.x.
TLE1193.ZIP NASA satellite two-line orbital data for satellite tracking.
TM0305.ZIP Adding GroupMail to a Bink/Confmail System (SEA).
TMAST25.ZIP TriMast v2.5: Master File List creator for TriBBS v5.0+.
TNC304.ZIP The Network Coordinator 3.04 for WWIV: Run WWIV Network.
TNC_0194.ZIP Telenet Canada Network Package - January 7th, 1994.
TOP_TJS.ZIP Nice user lister for WILDCAT! Requires WCPRO.
TOWC_V10.ZIP Mailer Utility to pass a proper speed to WC.
TRAC205B.ZIP TRACKER 2.05: Logon utility for GT Power BBS 15-v18.
TRANSNET.ZIP TranSnet Information Chart.
TRANX05.ZIP Set clock from remote - Binkley/FD log.
TRI1293.ZIP The TriBBS Newsletter, Christmas Edition.
TRIBKUP.ZIP TriBackup 1.21 Backup your TriBBS bulletin board in no time
TRICBA11.ZIP TriCallersByAge 1.1. A utility for TriBBS 4.x and above.
TRILANG.ZIP This is a collection of 9 language files for TriBBS 5.x.
TRIMAK11.ZIP TriMake 1.1 An NMAKE-like utility for TriBBS SysOps.
TRIPIF.ZIP PIF file for 1-node high speed TriBBS system under WIN 3.1.
TRI_WIN.ZIP Text about tricks & tips for running TriBBS under WIN 3.1.
TSHOP210.ZIP Complete online store available for BBSs.
TTP25AU.ZIP Tic-2-PCB 2.5a: Upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5a.
TTPCFG13.ZIP Tic-2-PCB v1.3: Configuration File Manager for PCB.
TWAST20.ZIP TradeWars assistant 2.0.
TXT2RIP.ZIP Text2RIP 1.0b. Convert ANY SIZE text file to RIP format.
UAI_34A.ZIP Check if BBS users entered address information.
UALBBS.ZIP The Canadian government proposed BBS act. STOP THIS!
ULAN_111.ZIP Ultimate Log Analyzer 1.11 for FrontDoor.
ULISTER.ZIP Renegade UL 1.0: Generates a user list for Renegade.
ULMSG100.ZIP ULMSG & ULBMSG: PCB PPE to display UL message.
UNREG.ZIP Weather 2.11: RIP Bulletin maker with icons.
UPC12BAD.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b: Formatted doc files for UUPC/extended.
UPC12BAW.ZIP UUPC/extended 1.12b: Word for Windows doc files.
UPC2N1.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2N2.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2N3.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2S1.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPC2S2.ZIP UUPC/Extended 1.12b: Email & News Package.
UPPER12.ZIP Converts the first 12 characters in a file to upper case!
US_11_93.ZIP QWK/REP Compatible Network: "Easy-Going" Network.
UUGAT023.ZIP Complete Fidonet/Internet gateway.
UUGAT026.ZIP Internet/Fidonet Gateway 0.26.
UV205.ZIP Lets you work with your WWIV User Database easily.
VFY_33.ZIP BBS online call back verification door program.
VIEWLOGS.ZIP View your Spitfire Logs from FD or DOS.
VOTE100.ZIP Voter 1.0: User Voting PPE for PCB 15.1.
VOTE108.ZIP Voter++ 1.8: User Voting PPE. Voting door for PCB 15.1.
VPAGE_B2.ZIP A GREAT pager for SySops with Soundblaster cards.
VRET1193.ZIP Information on VRETNET: New Virtual Reality Netork.
VULGARID.ZIP Vulgar Name/City language blocker.
VUUCP221.ZIP VUUCP/2 2.0: VUUCP Replacement for VBBS 6.10.
WAFGTB07.ZIP WAFTOGT v1.0b: GT SysOps can now bring Usenet to their BBSs.
WB129S.ZIP Weather Board 1.29 Weather information retrieval program.
WCALL10.ZIP Who Called Today: 1 to 500 names in list.
WCALLS15.ZIP WCCALLS 1.05 - Wildcat Calls Displays Call.
WCBBS13.ZIP Set up your own Wildcat BBS. Extensive guide with tips.
WCE150_3.ZIP WcEDIT! Patch 1.50 to 1.53 fixes minor bugs.
WCEDT150.ZIP WcEDIT! 1.5 Message/user editor for WC Sysops.
WCFF352.ZIP WCFF v3.52: TICK clone for WildCat BBSs.
WCFT100.ZIP WildCat File Tools 1.00: Utilities to manage WC database.
WCPAK_37.ZIP WinCNet (WinK-Net) Info Packet. The Place to be in '93!
WCPGS27.ZIP WC-PROGS 2.7: Wildcat SysOp Utility.
WC_PROGS.ZIP WC-PROGS 1.01: Utility to help set up WC 3.x.
WILDNEWS.ZIP Wildnews 2.1: Event makes Wildcat-compatible newsletters.
WILDSL34.ZIP WildStats Call Log 3.04: Color & RIP display files.
WILDWALL.ZIP The ultimate Graffiti wall. Sup: RIP/ANSI/DOOR.SYS.
WKEYS105.ZIP Wildkeys 1.05: Create KEY WORDS for WC File Database.
WLCM20.ZIP PPE: Multiple welcome screen manager. Req: PCB 15.1.
WL_V110.ZIP WEEKLOGS 1.1 for PCB 15.x SINGLE NODE: Organizes logs.
WOH_120B.ZIP What's on Hold for nodes: For RemoteAccess.
WTICK985.ZIP Wildtick. The simple TIC processor for Wildcat 3.x.
WTICK992.ZIP The simple TIC processor for WC 3.x.
WWA1_423.ZIP WWIV 4.23: SysOp/User documentation for WWIV423.ZIP.
WWHO10B.ZIP TriBBS utility to produce a LOGONX.BBS with caller activity.
WWIV423.ZIP WWIV 4.23: Main executables. Documentation in WWA1_423.ZIP.
XMAIL100.ZIP XMail 1.00: Powerful Mail processor.
YRN2_052.ZIP Store/read USENET news and mail offline (SOUP format).
YRN2_055.ZIP Store/Read USENET news and mail in SOUP format.
ZL135.ZIP Ziplog 1.35: Zips archives daily for neat storage.
ZREP1228.ZIP ZReport 1.0 Creates user subscriptions & expiration reports